My Story
Hey there! I totally get the whole yo-yo dieting struggle. I know it's not just about the numbers on the scale—it's the emotional baggage that comes with trying to lose weight and get healthier but never meeting your goals. The frustration when the scale doesn’t budge. The disappointment when your favorite jeans don't fit. The shame when everyone around you finds success but you just can’t seem to.
I get it because I was you. It took me four decades to lose both the physical and emotional weight I carried most of my life. For years I lost the same 10-20 pounds over and over. I tried every plan, program, and trend out there. Paleo, vegetarianism, Weight Watchers, Jenny Criag, low-carb, low-fat, Zone, Atkins… You name it, I tried it… and had little to no results. Well, little to no positive results. Unless you consider excessive calorie deficit follwed by days of binging and a dangerous relationship with food and my body “positive results.”
Four years ago, I’d had enough of it all. I ditched the diet and studied the science. I studied Nutrition Science, mastered my metabolism, and learned how to fuel my body in a way that allowed me to enjoy the foods I love in a healthy way and without missing out on life!
Today, I have the healthiest relationship with food and myself I’ve ever had. I don’t restrict or count calories, eliminate foods because it’s trendy, excessively exercise to “earn treats", or stress when I have an extra cocktail or enjoy dessert or pizza.
I want to help you do the same. As a Certified Nutrition Coach, I am committed to teaching you how to reach your weight and health goals in a healthy and sustainable way… no diets, no gimmicks, no restrictions.